IDMC Conference 2023: Transforming Your Inner World

IDMC Conference 2023: Transforming Your Inner World

The Intentional Disciple Making Church Conference is the annual flagship conference of IDMC Movement. From the first conference held in 2013 of 250 delegates, the annual IDMC Conference in Sydney has flourished and grown in both impact and engagement both locally, and now across the world.

 Each year’s conference is distinct in itself; each addressing specific areas of critical concern in disciplemaking churches today. IDMC Conferences aim to be catalytic in sounding a clear clarion call for intentional disciplemaking in the local church.

 It seeks to provoke thinking, to provide perspective and to promote intentional disciplemaking in churches.

Key speaker: Reverend Paul Jeyachandran

Rev Paul Jeyachandran is considered by many to be a gifted preacher of the word of God and an able mentor. Over the past two decades, he has been actively engaged in mentoring church leaders, ministering to pastors in many nations and expounding the Scriptures at every God-given opportunity.

A word from our speaker

Over the last 20 years as a pastor in Australia, the Lord has done two key things in my life for which I am eternally grateful.

Firstly, He brought me through a journey of brokenness where I needed to be authentic in my walk with Him and to be courageous in my calling.

Secondly, the Lord opened my eyes to see the critical need of the Church and the heart’s cry of my fellow ministers of God.

To that end, the Lord has called my wife, Esabel, and I to lead a movement where we are committed to wave the flag of intentional disciplemaking and call churches back to its disciplemaking roots.

We are excited for this year’s conference, Transforming Your Inner World, as the growth and nurturing of our inner lives is one of the most critical things we can do in our discipleship journey. We look forward to seeing you there!

About IDMC Movement

Lead by Rev Paul & Ps Esabel Jeyachandran, the Intentional Disciple Making Church Movement is driven by the call to be authentic disciples of Jesus Christ and intentional disciplemakers of a certain kind. Our mission is to call churches from all around the world, back to their disciplemaking roots.

The critical need

This year 3500 churches will close, this month 1500 pastors will leave the ministry, and today approximately 7575 people will move on from church. Of those who move on, some never affiliate with a religion again, saying they just “gradually drifted away from the religion.” *

Although we have the largest churches in history, we also have the shallowest. This puts the Great Commission into vital perspective. We can have all the lights blazing, a flurry of activity and program after program, but when we focus on the work we are to do rather than the way we are to walk, we will reproduce the wrong kind of disciple.

The Church is losing ground and at the most critical time in global history!

Why is intentional disciplemaking so important?

The defining mark of spiritual maturity is Christlikeness. The goal of disciplemaking is not merely transferring information or accumulating knowledge. It is about life transformation.

There is a false assumption that truth alone changes lives. Truth alone doesn’t change lives; it is the application of truth that brings about change. We are not called to merely appreciate or admire the truth; we are called to apply it. Spiritual transformation occurs through application.

While faithful preaching is important, it must be complemented by intentional growth strategies and discipleship processes that foster growth through application. When believers grow in applying God’s Word, it leads to spiritual maturity.

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