A Beautiful Partnership with Compassion

A Beautiful Partnership with Compassion

We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our Mother’s Day Specials. A heartfelt thank you to all of you for your incredible support! Together, we have raised $3,081 (equivalent to 154.05 gifts of $20) towards Compassion’s Mum and Babies Survival projects. Your generosity is making a tangible difference in the lives of many.

About Compassion

Compassion is a Christian international holistic child development organisation that seeks to release children from poverty. Their mission is executed through a threefold approach:

  1. Christ-Centred: Everything they do is rooted in the teachings and love of Christ.
  2. Child-Focused: Their programs are designed with the best interests of the children in mind.
  3. Church-Based: They partner with local churches to reach the children and communities most in need.

What Compassion Does

Compassion operates a robust Child Sponsorship Program and Critical Needs Funds that address immediate and long-term needs. Their work spans education, health, economic empowerment, and spiritual growth, ensuring that each child they serve has the opportunity to thrive.

Thus far, over 2 million children sponsored, over 8,000 local church partners and it keeps growing.

Our Support for Compassion

At Whole In One Communion, one of our core values is being good stewards of our resources. We recognize that all we have comes from God, and we are committed to giving back to support His work. As part of this commitment, we have been supporting Compassion’s Critical Intervention Projects (CIV) since 2021. 

Here are some of the impactful projects we’ve contributed to:

Income Generation for families in Togo through Fishing

  • Provided 64 caregivers with fishing equipment and finance management training, enabling them to enhance their income generation activities.

Education and Training for Children with Special Needs in Colombia

  • Enabled 111 Compassion-assisted children with special needs to access specialised educational institutions, equipping them with the support and skills for independent development. Parents are also given the necessary knowledge and skills to support their children through the learning process.

Empowering Youth with Training in Digital Marketing in Colombia

  • Funded the construction of a co-working centre, providing training in digital marketing to over 100 Compassion-assisted youth. This project aims to equip the youths with the necessary training to establish their own business ventures or pursue more formal employment opportunities in the future.

Support Technical Training for Youth in Guatemala

  • Funded technical training in automotive mechanics for youth from 14 child development centres in Guatemala, providing them with employable skills for the future.

Looking Ahead

We are deeply grateful for your continued support and dedication to our mission. Your contributions are helping to transform lives and build a better future for children and families around the world.

For more insights into Compassion’s impactful work, please go to www.compassion.com.au

Thank you once again for your partnership in this vital work. Together, we are making a difference.

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